There is alot to know about judaism and I am hoping that this blog will help you learn a little bit more. The Jews believed in the 13 articles of faith. Which is like the 10 commandments for christians. The 13 articles of faith are1. God exists.
2. God is one and unique.
3. God is incorporeal.
4. God is eternal.
5. Prayers are to god only.
6. The prophets spoke truth.
7. Moses was the greatest of the prophets.
8. The written and oral torah were given to moses.
9. There will be no other torah.
10. God know the thoughts and deeds of men.
11. God will reward the good and punish the wicked.
12. The messiah will come.
13. The dead will be resurrected.
Those 13 articles of faith is what the Jewish people base there religion off of.
Next, the founder known as Abraham made the religion. Up to now there are 14 million people that are part of this religion and they have expanded to Israel, Europe, and the U.S.A.
Scared texts
There are many interesting facts about the judaism religion, like the
sacred text they have is called the torah,(a picture of the torah is to the right.), and they still use the sacred book today.
Religious holidays
They have many religious holidays like the Passover, Hanukkah, and Rosh Hashanah. Passover is a holiday that celebrates when Moses, otherwise known as the messiah, helped lead the hebrews of of egypt. The name passover mean 10 plagues. Hanukkah is the Jewish festival of lights, it dates back 2 centuries before christianity, hanukkah means rededication and remembers the Jews struggles for religious freedom.
Customs and rituals
In addition, The religion judaism has a ritual that is for girls, and it is called a Bar Mitzvah. When a girl turns to the age 12 they are then expected to follow all of the commandments, they usually have a whole ceremony that they celebrate because it starts a new chapter into the girls life. Also another big custom for the Jewish people are to eat kosher foods, which is meat mixed with milk, wine, or grape juice.
The people of judaism have a different clothing style then we are used to. They wear a black robe with a black hat and a shaytl or wig.
The hierarchy for this religion starts of with the synagogue, a jewish church, then the synagogue would elect a member of the council to become a rabbi to take charge and the rabbi would then hire a preacher another religious leader without as much power as the rabbi.